Friday, April 18, 2008

Construction Update # 18

Work continues upstairs in the projector hallway on the electrical wiring.

This has to be one of the coolest shots I've taken. This guy is walking around on stilts so he can reach the ceiling easier. Looks like it would be fun!

Clinton is ready to help remove the garbage behind the cinema!

Left over garbage behind the cinema awaits removal

All the garbage is gone!

Mike drops some gravel in the back parking lot to even out the area which used to be the loading dock when Piggly Wiggly/Food city was here.

Mike operates the bobcat smoothing about the back lot.

The sidewalk at the entrance of the cinema got some freshly poured concrete yesterday.

The doors to each movie house were hung this week.

Looking down the hallway at the newly installed carpet

Before shot of the carpet being installed in the hallway

The carpet in the lobby has splashes of color that extenuate the color of the walls.

Water fountains just got installed this week